March 2018 Issue
Researcher Video Profiles

Tomoaki Nakamura Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering.

Developing robots that are as smart as humans

Tomoaki Nakamura

The goal of Tomoaki Nakamura's research is the realization of robots that are able to learn and become smart like humans. Recently advances in artificial intelligence has enabled the realization of many types of abilities by learning from the huge amount of labeled data. However, humans do not learn from such huge amounts of labeled data.

Humans learn by structuring information obtained from their ambient environment through their own sensors. Nakamura aims to realize robots with such abilities.

In one of his projects, Nakamura is studying how robots can acquire concepts and languages by linking information obtained from their sensors and information on languages obtained by communication with others. Other research includes how robots learn by observing from the behavior and activities of people, and autonomously learn rules that exist in the interaction of many people.

"Through this research I want to realize smart intelligence like human beings," says Nakamura.

Further information

Tomoaki Nakamura Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo.

Research Highlight:Developing Robots That Can Learn Like Humans