June 2018 Issue
Researcher Video Profiles

Celimuge Wu, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering.

Multi-access Vehicular Networks

Celimuge Wu

"My research is mainly focusing on vehicular networks," says Celimuge Wu. "Vehicular communication is very important for supporting intelligent transport systems, autonomous driving, and other such infrastructure."

Wu's approach used computational intelligence to improve networking performance, for example using fuzzy logic to improve the networking performance. "We have developed a new kind of approach which integrates LTE with fuzzy logic and we have got significant improvement of 34% in a content distribution from the cloud to vehicles.

In the future, Wu and colleagues will consider using deep learning to support multiple traffics of wider complex environments by using neural networks.

Further information

Celimuge Wu
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo

Celimuge Wu website: http://comp.is.uec.ac.jp/wp/clmg-en
Research Highlight: Computational intelligence-inspired clustering in Multi-access Vehicular Networks