Topics - e-Bulletin
University of Electro-Communications publishes the June 2021 issue of UEC e-Bulletin
The June 2021 issue of the UEC e-Bulletin includes a video profile of UEC Assistant Professor Daisuke Nakane where he describes his recent research on “How and why do bacteria move”.
The research highlights are, 'Bacteria in the spotlight: Bacterial community exhibits only counterclockwise movement,' Daisuke Nakane; ‘Innovative building blocks for the quantum internet: All fiber platform for quantum photonic processing on tapered optical fibers,' Kali Nayak; and ‘Efficient & reliable data processing for scalable Internet of Things: Innovative amplify-and-forward-based AirComp’, Suhua Tang.
The Topics is an interview with Lu Jin, Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, UEC Tokyo, that offers insights into mathematical modelling of reliability engineering.
The News and Events describes the launch of the ‘Joint demonstration experiment on visualizing carbon dioxide concentration inside Chofu City Hall with eight IoT sensors’ on 1 June 2021.
Research Highlights
Efficient & reliable data processing for scalable Internet of Things: Innovative amplify-and-forward-based AirComp
One of the critical issues for the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) is the collection and computational analysis of wireless data from huge networks of smart sensors being implemented in applications that include smart transportation and cities. Recently, the technique of over-the-air computation (AirComp) has been proposed as an integrated approach for collection and processing of data from sensor networks transmitting Big-data simultaneously. Notably, although this method is efficient, it requires that all signals from nodes arrive simultaneously at the sink, aligned in signal magnitude so as to enable an unbiased estimation. However, for nodes far away from the sink with low channel gains, it is not possible to avoid misalignment in signal magnitude.
Innovative building blocks for the quantum internet: All fiber platform for quantum photonic processing on tapered optical fibers
Research on quantum photonics is focused on the coherent control of individual quanta of light known as photons. Such control of light is an important step towards the realization of optical quantum networks and ultimately the so-called quantum internet.
Bacteria in the spotlight: Bacterial community exhibits only counterclockwise movement
The collective motion of self-driven particles is a fascinating area of research in physics and biology. In the case of bacteria, macroscopic behavior emerges through the movement of millions of bacterial cells self-propelled by flagellar rotation.
Researcher Video Profiles
Daisuke Nakane, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Science, UEC Tokyo.
Here, Daisuke Nakane describes his research interests and recent results on how and why bacteria move.
Insights into modern reliability engineering
“My research is based on reliability engineering,” says Lu Jin, an associate professor at the Department of Informatics, UEC Tokyo. “I am working on maintenance planning to study a wide range of systems for ensuring the safety and security of our society. The interest of my research is developing decision-making models for realizing more flexible and efficient maintenance plan while maintaining high reliability and safety.”
News and Events
Joint demonstration experiment on visualizing carbon dioxide concentration inside Chofu City Hall with eight IoT sensors
From 1 June 2021, the University of Electro-Communications (UEC Tokyo) and Chofu City plan to jointly carry out a demonstration experiment to visualize the carbon dioxide concentration in Chofu City Hall and maintain good ventilation as part of an industry-academia-government collaboration.