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Plasma fusion scientists from Northwest Normal University visit the Institute for Laser Science at UEC, Tokyo

Scientists from the Northwest Normal University (NWNU), Gansu, China, visited Nobuyuki Nakamura, associate professor at the Institute of Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo (UEC, Tokyo) as part of a bilateral joint research program supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Ministry of Education People's Republic of China (MOE).

The NWNU delegation was led by Professor DONG Chenzhong, vice-president of NWNU and the other members were Associate Professor Maogen SU, and Mr. WANG Jun Chang, director of Institute of History and Culture of NWNU.

The aim of the visit on 20 January 2016 was to discuss ways of enhancing the ongoing collaboration between the two universities with particular emphasis in the possibilities of exchanging researchers and students.

During discussions Professor Dong Chenzhong described the education and research activities at NWNU and expressed his appreciation to Nobuyuki Nakamura and UEC scientists for the highly fruitful 10 year collaboration on sources for generating multivalent ions. In the future, NWNU want to expand the joint collaboration to include atomic fusion and molecular processes in plasmas and related theoretical aspects of the processes.

The discussions concluded with an agreement to initiate administrative procedures to sign a general memorandum of understanding (MOU) on cooperation between the two universities for exchanging graduate students and researchers over a wider range of mutually beneficial disciplines.

Left to right: SU Maogen, NWNU/WANG Jun Chang, Director, NWNU/DONG Chenzhong, Vice President, NWNU/Wataru Mitsuhashi, Director, Research Strategy, UEC/Nobuyuki Nakamura, Institute of Laser Science, UEC/Yasuo Ogura, Center for International Program and Exchange, UEC.
Further information

Institute of Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo