December 24, 2014
The December 2014 issue of the University of Electro-Communications e-Bulletin includes research highlights on nanofibers for the quantum internet; to magnetic vortices; propulsion of a soft robotic fish; brain-training for baseball robots; heating in electric circuits; eyes on the sky; the FoodCam; and the ultimate automatic door system.
September 25, 2014
The September 2014 issue of the University of Electro-Communications e-Bulletin includes research highlights on self-organized indium arsenide quantum dots for solar cells; silicon nanophotonics; solutions to internet congestion; and humanizing robots.
June 20, 2014
The June 2014 issue of the University of Electro-Communications e-Bulletin describes the latest news,events, and research from one of Japan's science and technology based research universities with approximately 4,000 students and...
March 20, 2014
The inaugural issue of the University of Electro-Communications e-Bulletin includes highlights of research on 'optical frequency combs'; Bioimaging of real-time development of capillary networks in adult brains; resonance lines in alkali-metal-like ions; molecular motors and...